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Events for February, 25
THEA 370-1, Mus Thea Audition and Portfolio
1:45 PM- 3:20 PM
THEA 235-1, Introduction to Dramaturgy
3:35 PM- 5:10 PM
Certain experiences burn themselves in your memory from the very first encounter. The jaw-dropping audio pyrotechnics that Naturally 7 put on display every night absolutely belong in that category. "A capella group" so vastly underplays what they create onstage that they had to coin a phrase - "Vocal Play" - to more accurately depict what they do. Naturally 7 is more than a tightly orchestrated...
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
In a collaboration with The Neo-Futurists, students of North Central will explore core Neo-Futurist tenets of honesty, brevity, and chance in order to create 30 short recorded plays in the Neo-Futurist's unique, non-illusory aesthetic culminating in an performance viewed in a random order over the course of 60 minutes. Please access the menu of plays below for a description of each along with...
7:30 PM- 8:30 PM