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Events for March, 15
tech for Theatre department
8:00 AM-11:00 PM
Shane Prine
January 17, 2020- March 15, 2020
As an artist, my goal is to capture an elegiac quality in subjects both animate and inanimate. A phrase that, I believe, encapsulates my most recent work is "an unlived history." A central theme of my work is memory- what informs memory, how does it change over time, why is that memories are often romanticized... or how is it that nostalgia...
12:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Discernment Circle vocational exploration group
5:00 PM- 6:30 PM
The Catholic Cardinals meet every Sunday Night for a home cooked family meal and conversation. We read and discuss the Sunday scriptures, and many of us go to the 8PM Mass at Sts Peter & Paul afterwards. We welcome anyone who would be interested in being a part of the family! Please RSVP to Leslie at 630-664-3378 if you plan on eating. Bring your own beverage.
6:30 PM- 7:45 PM