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Events for March, 1
FUSEDChicago "The Sum of the Parts
January 6 - March 4, 2020
The Sum of the Parts explores how the use of repetition, seriality, and multiplicity in creating works of art. All of the work is created using encaustic as the primary medium; however, FUSED artists expand upon the ancient technique of working with beeswax and pigment. The workin in the show uses a myriad of combinations...
11:00 AM- 7:00 PM
Shane Prine
January 17, 2020- March 15, 2020
As an artist, my goal is to capture an elegiac quality in subjects both animate and inanimate. A phrase that, I believe, encapsulates my most recent work is "an unlived history." A central theme of my work is memory- what informs memory, how does it change over time, why is that memories are often romanticized... or how is it that nostalgia...
12:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Discernment Circle vocational exploration group
5:00 PM- 6:30 PM
If one were to name one Savannah-based musical act that most exemplifies this time-honored, eclectic and adventurous city, they'd be hard to find a more appropriate ambassador than Velvet Caravan. This unorthodox, high-energy, acoustic-based quintet of guitar, violin, standup bass, percussion and keyboards (including accordion) has, over the past few years, emerged as one of the shining...
6:00 PM- 8:15 PM
The Catholic Cardinals meet every Sunday Night for a home cooked family meal and conversation. We read and discuss the Sunday scriptures, and many of us go to the 8PM Mass at Sts Peter & Paul afterwards. We welcome anyone who would be interested in being a part of the family! Please RSVP to Leslie at 630-664-3378 if you plan on eating. Bring your own beverage.
6:30 PM- 7:45 PM