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Events for September, 21
Donna Castellanos
September 20, 2019-November 10, 2019
Explore a new thematic installation by Donna Castellanos that brings the inside out, and the outside in. For each piece in this exhibition, everyday objects have evolved into new assemblages. Look closely and you'll find denim jeans, antique books, old computer equipment, soccer balls and more, all transformed into a new light....
10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
Enter into the campus library, now transformed into "The Study". This all encompassing environment by artist Donna Castellanos is created entirely from cast-off books, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. Most of the books used in this installation have been pulled from dumpsters, donated by friends, or discovered at estate sale. They have become obsolete: collectors don't want the books and...
11:00 AM- 7:00 PM
It's 2465. American politics haven't changed much. Except that "America" is now only a handful of New England towns in a walled-in citadel. When an unidentified army encamps at the border, Congress struggles to move beyond personal agendas and petty bickering over procedure to decide the nation's fate. With canny humor and wicked intelligence, Wellesley Girl exposes an unsettling truth:...
7:30 PM-10:00 PM