Events for March, 6
MUS 109-1, Aural Skills II
8:00 AM- 8:50 AM
MUS 326-1, Woodwind Techniques II
8:00 AM- 8:50 AM
MUS 228-1, Diction for Singers
8:00 AM- 8:50 AM
On display February 25 through April 2, 2018
Tattoos are one of the most popular fashion statements today. It is artwork can be seen everywhere on almost anyone. Have you ever wondered about the artist behind the tattoo? The permanent ink etched onto a person is most often the work of a skilled artist. This exhibit features original artwork by artists from Atmosphere Tattoo, Tattoo City,...
8:00 AM- 8:00 PM
MUS 109-2, Aural Skills II
9:00 AM- 9:50 AM
MUS 329-1, Vocal Pedagogy and Techniques
9:00 AM- 9:50 AM
WI18 Water Aerobics - Ann Jansen (Instructor)
9:00 AM-10:00 AM
TIAA Counseling Sessions
9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
MUS 110-1, Cardinal Chorus
10:00 AM-11:10 AM
EDN 353-1, Secondary School Music
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
MUS 305-1, Jazz History I
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
Cardinal dress rehearsals for upcoming concert
10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Conference Services & Camps student workers (events assistants) meeting about upcoming events.
12:00 PM- 1:30 PM
Senior Showcase informational meeting
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
Math Club's annual integration bee! Come to have some fun eating pizza and solving fun integrals!
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
Everyone is welcome to come on out to the CUAB General Board meetings to help us plan events for North Central College students and to share your opinions about people or performers that you wouldlike to see on campus!
12:30 PM- 1:30 PM
Come celebrate Rotaract's 50th Anniversary with us! Cake will be served.
1:00 PM- 2:00 PM
MUS 114-1, Concert Winds
2:00 PM- 3:50 PM
Jazz Piano recital
2:30 PM- 3:00 PM
MUS 245-1, Vocal Jazz Ensemble
4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
WI18 Cardinal Aquatics (Instructor - Jennifer Garrison)
4:00 PM- 6:00 PM
The Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. The goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in an exciting 45 minutes of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements...
4:15 PM- 5:00 PM
This interval-based class combines full-body strength training with high-intensity cardio bursts designed to improve your fitness and endurance.
5:15 PM- 6:00 PM
RHA General Board Meeting
5:30 PM- 7:00 PM
square dancing
6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Topics in Politics, a lecture series presented by the Political Science Department.
6:00 PM- 8:30 PM
RHA will host its weekly meeting--open to all students.
6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
NCC Chamber Ensembles in Concert. Groups performing include Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir and Percussion Ensemble
7:00 PM- 8:30 PM
Mosaic weekly meeting
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Our weekly student led meetings with discussions and fellowship. Prayer and service opportunities also scheduled. Open to anyone seeking to grow in their Catholic faith.
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
square dancing
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Student led meetings to form Catholic community on campus. Wide range of topics. Prayer and service opportunities as well.
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Play board and video games to reduce stress for week 10
7:00 PM- 9:00 PM
DSO Weekly Rehearsal
7:30 PM-10:30 PM
Rugby Club's weekly meetings
7:30 PM- 9:00 PM