Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
Events for January, 10
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
MUS 228-1
8:00 AM- 8:50 AM
MUS 228-1
8:00 AM- 8:50 AM
8:00 AM- 9:50 AM
Landscapes by Al DaVAlle is on display at Oesterle Library Gallery,December 4, 2016-January 26, 2017. He will be in attendance at a reception on Sunday, January, 15. 1-3pm.

"It is a pleasure to be able to capture unique moments of beauty,” says Al DaValle, whose contemplative landscape photographs, classic portraits and innovative abstracts celebrate the peacefulness and quietude...
8:00 AM- 8:00 PM
Below the Surface will be on view in Meiley-Swallow Gallery until January 29, 2017. Nautical Nuances by Kat Kazmierski and Alex Peters and Skin and Bone by Natalie Kremer. The exhibition includes painting, mixed media, ceramics, and sculpture. There will be a reception on January 22, 2-4pm.
8:00 AM- 9:00 PM
MUS 329-1
9:00 AM- 9:50 AM
Sarvin Haghighi merges traditional Iranian art forms with a contemporary sensibility. In combining Farsi calligraphy and Islamic architectural designs with mixed media (including resin and gold leaf) and bold lines and framing, Haghighi affirms the enduring aesthetic of a culture that is too often represented through the limited lenses of war and political turmoil.

Schoenherr Art...
10:00 AM- 9:00 PM
rehearsals in preparation for upcoming concerts
10:00 AM-11:20 AM
Students have the opportunity to learn about different paraprofessional positions on campus and find how to get hired for the upcoming year!
11:30 AM- 2:30 PM
Accepting gifts and distributing TShirts
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
HIPS strategic plan meeting
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
A lunch for CS Seniors and there faculty advisors to discuss thesis process.
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
This will be a mandatory meeting to go over details about the ski trip.
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM
The meeting will go over weekly economic events and is meant to spur conversation about the effect they may have on the economy going forward.
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM
You can sign up in advance for the blood drive!
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM
CUAB hosts Executive Board Meetings once a week to plan for upcoming events.
12:15 PM- 1:30 PM
CUAB hosts Executive Board Meetings once a week to plan for upcoming events.
12:15 PM- 1:30 PM
Flute Ensemble
12:30 PM- 1:45 PM
THE 242, Somantics
2:00 PM- 3:50 PM
COM 100-1
2:00 PM- 3:50 PM
THE 247, Modern Dance
4:00 PM- 5:50 PM
RHA General Board Meeting
5:30 PM- 7:00 PM
Rehearsal senior musical
6:00 PM-11:00 PM
Dance Team practice
6:30 PM- 8:30 PM
The campus LGTBQIA organization. All are welcome!
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Club meeting planned by student organization. Various topics for discussion, social and service events. Great way to meet other Catholics on campus.
7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Cardinals in Action (CIA) is an on campus student led service group open to all students of North Central College. We are on a mission to serve both our local and broader community through active volunteer work and raising awareness in order to empower North Central’s campus towards altruism, service, and social change. Our goals are to make service opportunities more accessible to students...
7:15 PM- 8:15 PM
Meeting to discuss social change issues and other relevant topics in regards to race, religion, nationality, and much much more.
8:00 PM- 9:00 PM