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Events for February, 15
“Gypsy Heart” (2000), 50 Min. A documentary about the Gypsy flamenco dancer Omayra Amaya searching for her own identity in the US far away from her home in Andalucía. (English)
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
Join Cercle Francais for a free French film viewing. Snacks will be provided.
4:30 PM- 6:30 PM
North Central College will host a free lecture, followed by a film at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 15, in Meiley-Swallow Hall, 31 S. Ellsworth St., Naperville. Madhu Rao, an international women's rights advocate, will give a lecture titled "Renting a Womb in India: Outsourcing's New Frontier." Her talk was originally scheduled for Feb. 1. The film "The Story of India" by Michael Woods will be shown...
7:30 PM- 9:30 PM