Fine Arts
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Events for May, 31
Fine Arts
One Act rehearsal
8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Senior Art Show
9:00 AM-10:00 PM
Presented by The Arient Family Begun in 1996, "The Awakenings Project" is an assemblage of talented artists in DuPage County and surrounding areas, all of whom have a psychiatric malady. Shown art represents the broad range of work that these artists create, from casual paintings, sculptures and photographs by amateurs, to seasoned works by professional artists. "The Awakenings Project"...
10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
This will be a rehearsal for the recital on June 8th
10:30 AM- 1:00 PM
Cold Reading Workshop. Contact Carin Silkaitis for information.
12:00 PM- 4:00 PM
One-Act Rehearsal
1:30 PM- 2:30 PM
Recital honoring Jane Koten for her donation of Shigeru Kawai grand piano in Koten Chapel. Barbara Vanderwall and North Central College music students will perform.
3:00 PM- 4:30 PM
For its final concert of the season, the Concert Winds will honor its seniors, perform a concert of light classical music and conclude with a selection featuring returning band alumni. The concert will be held on May 31st at 7:00 in Wentz concert Hall.
7:00 PM- 8:30 PM