Fine Arts
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Events for October, 15
Fine Arts
Art Exhibit in Schoenherr Gallery. "I strive to pull a viewer into the narrative being created within the image." - Robert Bean. Schoenherr Gallery is located at the Fine Art Center, 171 E Chicago Ave., and is open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 10a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays and Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays, and will be open one hour before most performances in the Fine Arts...
10:00 AM- 9:00 PM
The Opus Corvus exhibition is a collection of toned black and white photographs that add my own personal impressions to the large body of work about these ignoble yet sublime creatures. Visually, the exhibition images run a continuum from nebulous and ephemeral to startlingly graphic. As such, the work acknowledges the varied folklore surrounding these birds, portraying them as central iconic...
10:00 AM- 9:00 PM
Lisa Korth will be giving her Junior Voice Recital.
5:30 PM- 6:15 PM
The Beach Boys continue to create and perform with the same bold imagination and style that marked their explosive debut nearly 50 years ago. Even more than The Beatles, The Beach Boys found the key to unfading youth through their music. With hits like "Surfin' USA", "I Get Around", "Kokomo", and the Grammy-nominated "Good Vibrations", The Beach Boys helped mold the definition of Americana. The...
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM