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Events for November, 15
North Central College will host a Visit Day Saturday, November 15th, for transfer students. Visitors can learn about academic choices, transfer admission process, transfer scholarships and financial aid, and tour the campus. Faculty representatives will be available from all academic areas as well as staff members from various areas of student life. Registration begins at 9 a.m. in the Wentz...
9:00 AM-12:30 PM
"Parade," the breathtaking 1998 Broadway musical by Jason Robert Brown and Alfred Uhry, focuses on the true story of the 1913 "Trial of the Century," in which Leo Frank, a Brooklyn-born Jewish man living in Atlanta, was falsely accused of killing a young girl working in the factory he managed. Only the desperate campaigning of Frank's wife Lucille stood between Frank and a storm of political...
7:30 PM-10:00 PM
The duality of grief and joy of the Day of the Dead celebration is captured in this concert that begins and ends with the rollicking, exuberant music of Mexico by two of its greatest living composers, Arturo Rodríguez and Arturo Marquez. In between are works that explore the darker side of humanity: Yin-Yin, which was inspired by a poem about the death of a cousin, and the tortured love...
8:00 PM-10:30 PM