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Events for August, 17
Organic Theater Company presents Albert Camus' greatest and most enduring play "Caligula." A young emperor takes charge and proves a pliable, inexperienced monarch. Patricians couldn't be happier. They are even willing to close their eyes to his obvious indiscretions. And then a tragedy strikes and transforms the young ruler. The change is unexpected and harrowing. The play challenges common...
2:00 PM- 4:30 PM
Organic Theater Company presents Albert Camus' greatest and most enduring play "Caligula." A young emperor takes charge and proves a pliable, inexperienced monarch. Patricians couldn't be happier. They are even willing to close their eyes to his obvious indiscretions. And then a tragedy strikes and transforms the young ruler. The change is unexpected and harrowing. The play challenges common...
7:30 PM-10:00 PM