Events for March, 29
Student Life
North Central College Student Art show. The art department will collaborate with the math department.
8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Jr/Sr Scholars EDN 100 Orientation
12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
Orientation meeting for all elementary education majors who are enrolled in EDN 367/369 or EDN 381 spring term. Attendance is mandatory. Placements and supervisors will be announced at this time.
12:15 PM- 1:45 PM
Orientation meeting for all secondary education and K-12 students who are enrolled in EDN 300/302 or EDN 381 spring term. Attendance is mandatory. Placements and supervisor assignments will be announced at this time.
12:15 PM- 1:45 PM
Forever Plaid auditions
6:00 PM- 9:00 PM