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Events for April, 26
THE 182
10:00 AM-11:50 AM
THE 270 and 280
2:00 PM- 5:50 PM
THE 254
4:00 PM- 5:50 PM
3 Penny rehearsal
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
These two, one-act plays offer feminist reimaginings of the literary and dramatic canon. In "Louisa May Incest," playwright Carolyn Gage conjures a conversation between Louisa May Alcott and her famous "Little Women" character Jo March in a showdown that raises historical questions about Alcott’s sexuality as well as her relationship with her father. In "It’s Our Town, Too," playwright Susan...
7:30 PM-10:00 PM
Any and all students are invited to take a break from studying for a night of improvised fun! Audience members are encouraged to sit back and enjoy a free evening of comedy and/or jump up and join in for improv games similar to those from the famous show "Whose Line is it Anyway?"
10:00 PM-11:55 PM