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Events for February, 24
THE 246 and 382
9:20 AM-12:00 PM
Your Art. Your Life. Join visual, performing, literary, and media art students and faculty from across the country as you learn about turning your artistic passion into a living. Activities include artist led panel discussions, genre specific round table discussions, one-on-one mentoring sessions, business plan reviews, book proposal reviews, mock auditions, $1,000 Artistic Business Plan...
1:00 PM- 4:20 PM
THE 101
2:30 PM- 3:50 PM
A seamless, theatrically staged and lit concert performance featuring the Women's Chorale, Chamber Singers, Cardinal Chorus, String Ensemble, Flute Choir, and additional featured soloists, performed from virtually every nook and cranny of Wentz Concert Hall. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. in Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E. Chicago Ave. Tickets are $5 for Adults and $3 for Students and Seniors;...
7:30 PM- 9:30 PM