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Events for April, 29
Danny Schnitzlein and Matt Faulkner's wonderfully funny and award-winning book "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" comes to life in ArtsPower's rousing musical. The poignant tale portrays the courage of a young boy who confronts a clever monster and his own fears. Based on the book "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" by Danny Schnitzlein. Illustrated by Matt Faulkner. Copyright by Peachtree...
10:00 AM-10:55 AM
Hold for music department.
12:00 PM- 9:00 PM
Holding for scheduling of junior/senior recitals.
12:00 PM- 9:00 PM
Danny Schnitzlein and Matt Faulkner's wonderfully funny and award-winning book "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" comes to life in ArtsPower's rousing musical. The poignant tale portrays the courage of a young boy who confronts a clever monster and his own fears. Based on the book "The Monster Who Ate My Peas" by Danny Schnitzlein. Illustrated by Matt Faulkner. Copyright by Peachtree...
1:00 PM- 1:55 PM